قوانین و رشته ها ی ثبت نامی هجدهمین دوره مسابقات نادکاپ شریف
قوانین ورشته های ثبت نامی هجدهمین دوره مسابقات نوآوری و ابتکارات دانش آموزی (نادکاپ شریف ۱۸)
قوانین ورشته های ثبت نامی هجدهمین دوره مسابقات نوآوری و ابتکارات دانش آموزی (نادکاپ شریف ۱۸)
قوانین ورشته های ثبت نامی هجدهمین دوره مسابقات نوآوری و ابتکارات دانش آموزی (نادکاپ شریف ۱۸)
قوانین ورشته های ثبت نامی هجدهمین دوره مسابقات نوآوری و ابتکارات دانش آموزی (نادکاپ شریف ۱۸)
رشته های مقطع ابتدایی - سه ساله اول - نادکاپ هجدهم
GF7 of the most stunning cars will be flying. The device is capable of flying at speeds of 885 kilometers per hour. GF7 idea of flying cars by Greg Brown and Dave Fawcett design and advanced technology. Artistic link between a business jet and luxury cars!
GF7 of 50 kilowatt electric motor and battery to move on land uses and their wings open when the engine is the wharf to 3500, Pound (in hrA speed 604 kilometer, lb quasi equivalent hpCan be raised to a height of 12,000 feet and a speed of 885 kilometers per hour to fly. This feat of engineering in the design and initial steps will be very costly. The project cost is estimated to be between 3 and 5 million dollars.)
GF7 a wing span of 23 feet is cumulative. KWH 50 battery provides the driving force of the earth and its jet engine and flight battery is charged. The electric motor also help in accelerating for takeoff jet engine and it will act as an afterburner.
Four GF7 designers attempt to design a car that can travel 1,000 miles (1,600 km) to fly in the air. While at the same time can be moved up to 193 km on the ground. Brown and Fawcett hopes to build a prototype of the device during 4 years.